Yes, I know... some answers seem long, but they might bring clarity to some very typical questions we get. If you have time, take a moment to skim through them.​
1. How long till I get my final product?
We are officially contracted to have your final product done no later than six months after the ceremony date. We typically finish much sooner than this. In the RARE instance (this has never happened in over a decade of doing films) where we would need more time we would, obviously, let you know. Again, we finish well before the 6 month time frame.
2. Why do you shoot the same amount of time for 4 different packages? I thought rates would be based on how long you are there??
Simple. Because in order for us to give you a quality final product, REGARDLESS of what package you choose, we need to be there for the whole day. Charging per hour means leaving when our time is up. But what happens if all the "good stuff" hasn't happened yet? We aren't going to leave. So, we made it simple. All of our package prices hires us from prep time (typically when the bride starts getting dressed) to the time of the night when the traditions of a reception are done and the dance floor is available for "open" dancing. We hang around for a few songs to shoot people dancing, and then we are finished for the day. We try to stay pretty flexible with this, but if you are looking for an average time, we are usually done by 9PM.
3. What is a "highlight film" (Included in Package #1, #2, & #3) and is it worth it?
We can talk more about this if we meet to consider working together; however, let me start the explanation here: In simple terms, a highlight film is what made you consider us in the first place. The highlights are what you see on our gallery page and in any publicity you have seen surrounding us. They are comparable to a movie preview in the theatre. A "coming soon" look at what the final film will be like (if you book package #4).
Now, why is it worth it? Well, there are a few reasons: First, because it is an awesome element to share with people both who were in attendance and who weren't able to make it. The trailer is the kinda thing you toss up at work on your computer to show people what your day looked like. Or to send to someone who couldn't make it and tell them, "check out how our day looked." It is also, the only element that will be made availble, by us, for "online" sharing.
Secondly, the highlight is released for online sharing within TWO WEEKS of your ceremony. That means, not only do you NOT have to wait months to see something surrounding your wedding, but it ALSO means, your trailer becomes top priority in the editing room because we work to complete it so soon after the big day. In other words, you get bumped up to the front of the line while we work to get the trailer done and released for you.
A copy of the highlight will also be included on your personalized website as well as be used as a part of the beautiful line of highlights we use for advertising purposes.
​​4. What is a "short film" (Included in Package #3 & #4) and why do the times seem so. . . short?
A short film is just that. A film, with the same purpose as a feature length film, just told in a shorter amount of time. 12-15 minutes is actually a LOT of time to tell the story of one day's events. If you pick package "two" or "three," your cinematic short film will include a blend of music, audio from the day (vows, really good lines from the speeches, funny moments, etc.) and as always, it will be filmed in a cinematic style that you see in all of our publicity and samples.
5. Can we make suggestions for music/ style of shooting?
We always want our couples to feel free to talk through what they "want" for the day. However, there are certain aspects of the day that you leave up to us because, well, that's why you picked us! You like our style. You like what we "do." We can always talk through music styles, although there are some things that can't be done because of copyright. When it comes to shooting styles, again, you hire us because you like what we do. Feel free to clarify ANYTHING you want, but ultimately, trust us that we know what we are doing . We think you will LOVE the final product.
6. Can I have "extra" stuff recorded? (usually at the reception)
​We get this question occasionally. First, here are the things that we already record "completely." Your ceremony & your toasts by maid/ matron of honor & best man (and a parent if they say a few words).
But where we usually get this question is in the following cases:
- A couple has taken dance lessons and wants a full recording of their first dance on the final disc.
- Or maybe you have some folks that want to sing you a song at the reception and you want the entire thing recorded.
- Sometimes, people have a big family and so there are 5+ people who want to give speeches. and toasts.
Can you record those?
The answer is simple: Yes . . . kinda. Included in your final edit will be shots of all of these moments. Anything that happens during the day and at the reception is going to be recorded, but not necessarily recorded COMPLETELY.
What I mean is, we will grab shots of everything. So we can use footage of it in your final highlight/ film. However, if you want a COMPLETE recording of something extra like this, those will require TWO things:
- #1- We have to know it is happening in advance so we can be prepared for it.
- #2- There MIGHT be an extra cost involved. Anything added to the typical package requires more time on the editing end . . . and you would be surprised how much extra time those things take.
We can talk more specifically about this in a case by case basis, but just be aware that extras might mean "extra."